Friday 24 June 2011

uts Pune - Distance Learning MBA admission for 2011 batch

uts offers vast range of skill based Online Distance Learning programs focusing on multiple industries & function, our programs are accredited by some of the most reputed educational bodies such as MIT School of Distance Education, Assam down town University, Annamalai University of Distance Education & More
M.B.A. - Masters of Business Administration (2 years)
M.B.A. + P.G.D.B.A (Dual Degree)
M.B.A. - Design Management
M.B.A. - Infrastructure Management
M.B.A. - IT Management
M.B.A. - Network Infrastructure Management
M.B.A. - Risk & Insurance Management
M.B.A. - Hospitality Management
M.B.A. - Materials Management
M.B.A. - Retail Management
M.B.A. - Telecom Management
M.B.A. - Energy Management
M.B.A. - Operations Management
M.B.A. - Project Management
M.B.A. - Wealth Management
B.B.M. - Bachelor of Business Management (3 years)
D.B.A. - Diploma in Business Administration (1 year)
Industry Specialised Courses
Our Online Distance Education programs empower you to study anything, anytime, anywhere by providing:
1. Open Platform:
To choose the right program from a vast range of courses offered by multiple universities
2. Online Admissions: Choose, apply & pay to any program Online
3. Online Study Material: 24 X 7 Online accessibility of complete curriculum
4. Textbooks Study Material: All courseware Online, backed by books
5. Blackboard LMS: We deploy the most advance Learning Management system
6. Online Assignment: You can study and take assignments completely online
7. Exhaustive e-Library: Get free access to unlimited resources of online journal and reference material
8. Flexible Exam Patterns:Students can choose the exam dates as per convenience but within stipulated period to avoid delay in course completion
9. Online Exams: Our pursuit of imparting education Online ends with Online exams at our exam centres across India
10. Placement Support: Our support don’t just stop with imparting education, Our placement support team ensures to keep you abreast to most sought jobs
For Admission -

A4 Mantri Regency, Sai Chowk
Sus Road, Pashan, Pune - 411021
Mobile No - 9049002620

1 comment:

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